Telemetry, V/UHF Radion, EO/IR/Laser, MTAS Target System For your successful missions with SM ENGINEERING CORP.
World premium manufacturer of Auto Tracking Antennas and
Pedestals for the flight test industry
WTW Anlagenbau GmbH is a premium manufacturer of Auto Tracking Antennas and Pedestals for the flight test industry. WTW Staff is responsible for the technical development and the design of Auto Tracking Antennas, which were delivered to customers all over the world. That are well-known customers in the aviation and aerospace industry in Europe, USA, Asia and South Africa. WTW Staff developed and designed for other companies small portable Antennas, and customized mobile and stationary Antennas with up to 6.3 m Diameter, with the tracking modes Autotrack, GPS-Track, Slavetrack, Program-Track and Manual-Track